Monthly Columns Appearing in the
Western Edition
(and SF Bayview)

by Kathy Emery, PhD
last updated April 2010



April The Plague of Nonprofits and Anarchists

March Popular Historian—an Oxymoron?

February Bread and Circuses

January The Campaign for Ethnic Studies


December A Perfect Storm on March 4th?

November Are We Post-Racial in The Classroom?

October Everyone Has to Go to College?

September Lessons from the Southern Freedom Movement

August Charismatic Leadership

July What is a school?

June The Poverty of Curriculum

May The Tudors: Charismatic Leaders Versus the People

April Can We Learn from History?

March Let them Eat Pie Crumbs! An Education Funding Fable

February “Reinventing the Education Wheel”

January Schools and Cars


December History, Organizing and Nonviolent Resistance

October A March is Not a Movement

September How Did Things Get So Bad?

August High School Drop Outs or Push Outs?

June Social Justice in SFUSD at Last?

May "But the Experts Say..."

April "The Real Culprits..."

March An Issue Around which to Organize! Budget deficits and the shrinking of the public sphere

February The Limitations of Charismatic Leaders

January The Lesson of Stringer Bell (or The Importance of Art)


October, “What Can I say, you bring out the ‘F*** You’ in Me.”

September, The Limits of Violent Resistance

August, Colorstruck

July (SF Bayview), What the Civil Rights Movement Can Teach Us Today

July, The Limitations of Legal Remedies

June, Citizenship and Freedom Schools

May, Local Control, Funding and Flexibility

April, Parents and Teachers: A Necessary Relationship

March, Policy, Practice, Privilege and Power

February, Voting is NOT Enough!

January, Schools, Race and Class


December, Let's Have a Public Debate over the Goals of Education!

November, Small is Local and Personal

October, Why You Should Care about Voting this November